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Whitepaper: Harnessing Your Neurodivergent Employees’ Skills. Your roadmap for fostering a work environment where everyone can reach their full potential.

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Collaboration For Neurodivergence Programme Modules. An overview of the six modules in my course on improving performance and engagement in your neurodiverse teams.

Kate Isichei leading What About AuDHD? Webinar

Kate Isichei narrates an overview of modules from her programme Collaborate for Neurodivergence

LinkedIn Newsletter: Comms in a Neurodiverse World


Read and subscribe to my LinkedIn newsletter, Comms in a Neurodiverse World, for Internal Communications insights focused on the neurodivergent audience and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

Engagement Express podcast

I created 'Engagement Express' for HR, Internal Communication and Engagement professionals to get hints and tips on how to increase engagement in their organisations.

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